Erase of internal flash is not working in stm32F767 if cahces enabled
Erase of internal flash is erasing intermediate some places only in one sector if caches are enabled in F767 controller.How caches effect flash sector erase
Erase of internal flash is erasing intermediate some places only in one sector if caches are enabled in F767 controller.How caches effect flash sector erase
MCU: STM32F411CEU6IDE: Cube IDE v1.6.1Init code (Only CLKPhase changes between tests, 1=Leading edge, 2 =Trailing edge):static void MX_SPI1_Init(void){ hspi1.Instance = SPI1; hspi1.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_SLAVE; hspi1.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION...
Hi, everyone. I am Emily. I would like to know the MCU which is compatible to 'stm32f446RET'.Also I wanna double-check the possiblity of compatible usage between 'stm32f407VET' and 'stm32f417VET'.Please help me:crying_face:
Hello. I want to know does stm32 cortex m7 series has TPU (tensor processing unit) for hardware acceleration. I heard that TPU has a systolic array which is a network of processors that are responsible for performing computations and passing the resu...
Using STM32L431RCT6 (VDDA and VREF+ bondet together). VDDA/VREF is 3.0V and VDD is 1.8V. If i'm sampling voltages larger then 2.8V that effects VDD (Jumping from 1.8V to approx. 2.06V for approx. 400ms). Any Idea's what i'm doing wrong?
Hi, I use STM32F407 to acquire and process data from sensors, this data is very large approximately I need to define array (float Data[12][15000]) with 12 row and 15000 columnbut, STM32F407 mcu can't define this array.Did I exceed the maximum size ...
Hello,I am trying to use a 240x320 ili9341 screen with g030 but even one picture doens't fit into flash memory. (If you are familiar with ILI9341, the picture I am talking about is snow_tiger)I made some research on it and saw that in TouchGFX websit...
I have just received the code from my predecessor. The company said something garbage value in ADC sometime.I think is must be ADC problem. I don't know what is wrong where cause it. Setting is wrong?I use STM32F103RCT6 MCU.I checked that ADC uses a...
Hi,I am currently trying to switch my code base from the RB version of the L010 family to the K4 version. I am doing this because the dev board I prototyped on was for the RB variant. I am building with arm (Keil).I am running into some issues in thi...
Hello,I'm working on a BLE project on a STM32L072CZYx MCU and there is an example of a profile that suits my need but it is on another MCU, the STM32L476RG. I want to port the code from that MCU to mine but I don't really know how to do so... I've ch...