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How to transfer a File which has (.AMR) Format from UART1 to UART2 ??

Associate II

Dear Sir,

I am Using STM32G030C6T6

How to transfer a File which has (.AMR) Format from UART1 to UART2 ??

Senior II

Hello @Sn.17​ ,

I am not sure I am understanding you, but did you mean that you want to to transfer a file (Asymmetric Multi-Rate encoded speech?) from a microcontroller to another using an UART?

Best regards,

@SBEN .2​ 

Associate II

Yes -(Asymmetric Multi-Rate encoded speech) Audio data.

Form One UART1 to Another UART2

Senior II

Hello @Sn.17​ ,

In this case, and in its most basic form, you can use the examples provided with the firmware package. This particular example seems to be a perfect fit for what you want to do : STM32CubeG0/Projects/NUCLEO-G031K8/Examples/UART/UART_TwoBoards_ComDMA.

Otherwise, please do consider that transmitting files (or encoded/formatted data in general) requires more than just sending the bytes and hoping that everything goes well.

Best regards,

@SBEN .2​