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Hello,I am having difficulties trying to sample both channels of the LTC1865 ADC and was hoping someone could point out my mistakes. This is my function to sample the channels. I am using the STM32WB55 micro.unsigned int READ_External_ADC(int chann...
Hello,I am using an STM32WB55 and am trying to figure out how to get the current time including milliseconds using an RTC and display that time in 6 byte hex format. I would most likely call the GetTime() based of a millisecond timer if that is the ...
Hello,I am trying to trigger each DMA read of my SPI to happen on update event Trigger output of my Timer but I don't think I have it setup correctly.I've seen this done using the internal ADC, where you can set the external conversion trigger source...
Hello,I need to sample an ADC at 20ms using SPI. I setup a timer interrupt to do this, but I would like to fill a double buffer at SPI_RxHalfCplt and RXCplt.My timer seems to be working correctly, however the Rx Half Complete Callback is being Called...
Hello,I have a 246 x 3 matrix that I have filled with counter values in the below for loops. I for some reason cannot get the HAL_UART to output individual columns of this matrix. for(i=0; i<246; i++) {   for(j=0;j<3;j++)   {   Audio_Data[i][j] = c...
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