Hi,I have a project in which I have to connect my PC to a measurement device thanks to VBA. I would like to use a mcu in order to control a component related to the device. This component is a decoder using the mcu outputs as input signals. These sig...
If I use the example BLE_Sensor_Demo + OTA_Reset_Manager I can update the firmware without any problem. I have followed the indications given in The BlueNRG-LP (over-the-air) firmware upgrade document (AN5463) and I don’t see any difference between m...
Due to the global chip shortages, we need to purchase a pin-compatible (LQFP100) version of the STM32F765VIT6. Since we don't need the 2k Flash we are looking at the STM32F7767VGT6, or the STM32F746VGT6. Both appear to have the same essential archite...
my code is jumping into hardfault handler during/after flash write procedure.some problem with mutex or task handling, can somebody explains how to hold the thread until the flash write is complete.note: flash write functions are called inside the "b...
I have downloaded the trace example from segger website https://wiki.segger.com/STM32H7#Tracing_on_ST_STM32H7B3. However, it doesn't work out of box due to the board does not have trace pins connected to the debug header by default. Have anyone tried...
I am told by that configuring a timer as master and others as slaves can generate multiphase pwm . but I cant figure out how exactly to set the configuration. I am aware its possible in few of the advanced MCU with HRTIM. But I want to use stm32f103 ...
I've just noticed this upcoming STM32U5 - it looks amazing - and in LQFP48 package too!. FMAC, DC-offset filter for PDM microphones, inbuilt SMPS regulator. When can I see a Data sheet and reference manual? Mainly interested in seeing more info abou...
Dear sirs,I am trying to communicate through CANBUS an F407 and an H757 with external MCP transceivers.The problems I have are:-For the F407, If I set the mode to Loopback, I see with my external logic analyzer that it sends the message in the CAN1_T...
static void FS_FileOperations(void) { FRESULT res; /* FatFs function common result code */ uint32_t byteswritten, bytesread; /* File write/read counts */ uint8_t wtext[] = "This is STM32 working with FatFs uSD + FreeRTOS"; /* File write buffer */ /* ...