Hello everyone,I am trying to setup the clock of my STM32G070KB using a 8MHz external quartz. I tried 2 different ways, one from CUBEIDE, the other from libopencm3. I didn't succeed to make my application work yet. CUBEIDE : I see a warning near the ...
Hiii All,I am new in CMSIS2 RTOS Development .I used STM32F072RB UC. In that I am using CMSIS2 RTOS . I have created two processes, One is for reading the key pressed detection and second is for handling leds according to key pressed and released. H...
I am developing a custom bootloader for OTA purposes. I successfully did this under one assumption, that the .bin file is divisible by 4. which means since it is 32 bit even the last part will be inside one full memory cell. Is it correct?
I configured window watchdog with ewi interrupt enabled, and enabled isr for WWDG_IRQn too, But it can not generate interrupt before reset the core. And there is no HAL_WWDG_Start_IT() function in stm32h7xx_hal_wwdg.c.
Actually, i don't get any max value for UART baud rate in datasheet as well as in reference manual.
Full disclosure. I'm new to STM32 and i'm porting from Arduino based 8 bit code to run on an STM32F103R8T6. This is on a manufactured / assembled PCB with supposedly genuine micro and not a random ebay blue pill board.While debugging I'm getting rand...
I am trying to download the STM32F401 ,nucleo-64 driver software ,but this what is popping up how to download it ,I have tried it with several different browsers n devices but same result ,please help
Hello, I would like to find the source codes for the STEVAL-IME011V2. I would like to make some modifications in order to test the STHV748 for my application.Cordially
Hello,I am trying to use the PDM 2 PCM library to read in a MEMS microphone and am having some difficulty understanding the code below. If I wanted simply output the converted PCM data over a UART, what would need to be done to do this?My assumption...