Hi,I'd like to know if it would technically be possible to program a 384k mcu with a binary compiled for the 128k version of the same line?Regards,Nicolas
I recently bought a batch of stm32f103c8t6, the ID read by SWD is: 0x2BA01477, but the reference manual is: 0x1BA01477, may there be changes recently?
I want to control BLDC motor in six step method using STM32G474RE (nucleo board). I'm using TIM1 CHx/CHxN complementary PWM output for 6 pwm signal, like below: The problem I have is that the PWM output does not switch synchronously when switching st...
Hello. I am using uart to communicate two stm32, with a baud rate set at 19200bps. What is the tolerable error percentage for baud rate so that I don't have communication problems?
In my conclusion the problem is with the stm32 that i won't able to reset it but don't know how to fix it....
On page 130, just above Figure 25 the paragraph references Figure 25 twice. Either there is a missing figure or there is an extra reference.The coverage of these requirements is shown in Figure 25 for standard I/Os, and in Figure 25 for5 V tolerant I...
hi everyone i am using an example audio loop example and planning to print the variable called pcm buffer on to console either swv or using the pins on the bluecoin station as uart pheripheral how should i implement this or worst case how to implemen...