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Forum Posts

HAL_ADC_PollForConversion() strange behavior with DMA

I am trying to use the code below to read 8 channels from ADC1. I have ADC1 configured with 8 ranks, and have selected "EOC flag at the end of all conversions". HAL_ADC_PollForConversion() hangs forever.I noticed that if I pass the second argument t...

RBerg.1 by Associate
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STM32 using CAN-BUS.

We are not completly sure how it works. We want to make a receiving module reject some ID's and only approve some. The code we used just approve every ID. Can someone explain how the ID works within our code? (If we for example would like to approve ...

MJørg.2 by Associate II
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UART Busy before Start.

Hi, I have a problem with a STM32L476RG.The problem is UART interface in DMA receive mode, at the beginning of my main function, after having initialized some variable, I call the function: __HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&huart3, UART_IT_IDLE); HAL_UART_Receiv...

Current consumption in STM32L072 very high

Hi guys!A have a problem with power consumption, when I try to put the microcontroller in low power sleep, the current consumption is around 8.5mA, when I expect around 20uA.I'm using a custom board, but only a single LED is connected, capacitors and...

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