I've followed this walkthrough perfectly: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_perform_Secure_Boot_from_Distribution_package#Distribution_package_with_signed_FIPand I get a "Not able to find "None" (socname stm32mp15) path from current BBPATH var...
Hi, I'm trying to set up the TF-A sp_min for the 157F-DK2. Here is the info I have. Build EnvironmentUbuntu 22.04Used for OpenSSL 3.0 supportNeeded because trusted-firmware-a cert_create requires 3.0; ST calls are deprecated.ToolchainsGCC: arm-none-e...
I am trying to setup UART1 on WL55CC; using RTS; #include <stdio.h>
#if defined (__ICCARM__) || defined (__ARMCC_VERSION)
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* With GCC, small printf (option LD Linker->L...
Never gets past this checkvoid MBMUXIF_WaitCm0MbmuxIsInitialized(void)
while (pMb_RefTable->SynchronizeCpusAtBoot != CPUS_BOOT_SYNC_CPU2_INIT_COMPLETED)
/* USER CODE BEGIN MBMUXIF_WaitCm0MbmuxIsInitialized */
Programmed OB IPCCDBA to 0x800Value of OB struct.ipcc data buffer:Name : OptionsBytesStruct.IPCCdataBufAddr Details:536903680 Default:536903680 Decimal:536903680 Hex:0x20008000 Binary:100000000000001000000000000000 Octal:04000100000Value of pMb_RefTa...
How can I implement: /* start CM0PLUS */ /* Note: when debugging in order to connect with the debugger CPU2 shall be start using workspace CM4 starts CM0PLUS */ /* On the other hand is up to the developer make sure the CM0PLUS debugger is run after ...
FW update didn't solve problem; I forced the shared memory to be equal to OB IPCCDBA byte the code breaks further down. /* */
/*_siMB_MEM2 = Return the absolute load address of the named section of */
/* .MB_MEM2 =
start address for the ...