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Forum Posts

TIM + ADC + DMA for Stm32f410rb

Hello, I would like to trigger a ADC conversion using a Timer and store the value using DMA. There are several examples online on how to do this but the common denomination in all the examples is that the ADC trigger is set to "Timer x Trigger out ev...

Malum.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F103 longterm availability and EOL

Hello,I jsut heard a roumor that the STM32F103 was issued end of life. Is this true or is it false info because there is a current shortage in the wafers? Does anyone have reliable information?Thanks!

machinist by Associate III
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Resolved! Second core not booting up

The STM32 dev board I'm working with is the Nucleo H745ZI-Q.This one has two cores, a M7 and a M4.Now when I try to load code onto it, it runs fine the first time I run the debugger.I noticed that when I reconnect the board, the second core doesn't b...

Jvan .10 by Associate III
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