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Resolved! en.x-cube-dspdemo\X-CUBE-DSPDEMO Error

en.x-cube-dspdemo\X-CUBE-DSPDEMO\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\STM32F429_DSPDEMO\MDK-ARM When Open and compile error come like below its fresh copy no modification done .how can i resolve that ?compiling BasicMathFunctions.c.....\..\..\..\Dri...

senthil by Associate II
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VREF and VDDA powerup secuence

Hi all,I want to use an external reference voltage on the Vref pin but this is a problem because the powerup of the main Vdda regulator is different of the reference voltage regulator (one starts before the other), in the worst case one can give 3.3V...

AAlis.23 by Associate III
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STM32F7 SPI TxFIFO problem

Hi!I have a SPI master that communicates in the following way:CS is setStart sending data in the following format - 2 bytes of "request"2 bytes of crc for the "request"x bytes to clock out the response from the slaveCS is releasedOn the slave side (S...

Does anyone has experiment project to erase and write to Parallel flash . We connected 16 Mega Bytes Parallel FLASH Chip and we are Using FMC interface on STM32H745XI .

Does anyone has experiment project to erase and write to Parallel flash .We connected 16 Mega Bytes Parallel FLASH Chip and we are Using FMC interface on STM32H745XI . Following driver is being used but I could not find and example project to write t...

Binary compatibility between F091 and G0B1 series

Due to dwindling stock levels we need to migrate from a F091 to a G0B1 series microcontroller. To keep compatibility for devices in field(for future firmware upgrades) I was wondering if it was possible to run the same code binary between the two mic...

ABish.1 by Associate
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Reset And Run option not working in keil

I am using custom board with STM32F373C8.IDE- Keil 5.29.STM32Cubemx - 6.2.0STM32F0 Discovery board is used to flash the program into my board.I am trying to write simple LED blinking code. Code works fine.But when I am downloading it to my board it d...

Bs.1 by Associate II
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