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Porting OpenThread to STM32F4

I've just started a personal project to communicate between different embedded devices using STM32F401RE via OpenThread. I would like to know if it is possible to use F401 processors and its peripherals combined to a separate radio such as nrf24l01 t...

EBeze.1 by Associate
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How to stop writing in memory where DMA can't access

Hi guys, I'm having this issue where I kept getting a Transfer Error when setting up a DMA.One of the replies I got is that DMA1 can't reach the memory area of DTCM, which would explain why it can't transfer the context from the buffer into the peri ...

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CLeo.1 by Senior II
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STM32L4R5 Quadrature Encoder Hardware Connection

I'm trying to connect a quadrature encoder to my board using STM32L4R5. From what I understand, I should connect the A and B to TIM2, TIM3, TIM4 or TIM5. If I have 2 encoders, can I connect all 4 A and B signals from both encoders to the same TIM? Li...

CYeow.1 by Associate II
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STM32L452 RTC wakeup timer works, but just once

I initialize RTC timer by first clearing RTC_CR register,then waiting until WUTWF bit is on, then setting RTC WUTR register to 100, and RTC_CR to 0x4420 (wakeup timer enable, wakeup interrupt enable, bypass shadow). Bypass shadow register is set for ...

WPuch by Associate II
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Resolved! Can't enable DMA stream for UART4 Tx

Currently I am using the STM32H753ZIT6 to do all the bare metals. Essentially what I am trying to do is just enable UART4 Tx to send some debug messages thats all. Everytime I try to enable the DMA1_Stream3 (UART4_Tx) it just gives me a TEIF3 error a...

CLeo.1 by Senior II
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5V-tolerant input pulls 5V down to 4V

Hi all:I am using an STM32407 running at 3.3V, and I have 2 inputs connected to 5V signals.One of the signals comes from an outside sensor (a data line), and the other one is connected to a 5V optocoupler populated on the same board.I have measured t...

Diez.R. by Associate II
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Resolved! State of UART pins during a reset on STM32F439

I am having a hard time finding out the state of the UART pins while the chip is held in RESET. Are pins E2, D5, D4, and E1 held in a high-impedance state while the RESET pin H9 is pulled low? I suspect they are, but am trying to confirm through docu...

LKish.1 by Associate
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I2C stm32F103

Hi,i come up with my question related to I2C communication using stm32F103,I would like to interface my I2C LCD (slave) with MCU ( master), but i have a problem with the Transmit sequencei have configured the GPIO's PB6 (SCL) and PB7(SDA) as open dra...

SIDRI.1 by Associate III
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