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nBOOT1 pin on STM32L073RZT6

Dear ST Community,I am now designing a PCB with the STM32L073RZT6. Could you please advise where the BOOT1 pin is located?Inside the datasheet, the only thing that I found is the statement:Boot modes At startup, BOOT0 pin and nBOOT1 option bit are us...

VMeto.1 by Associate II
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STM32H755 stalls when SDMMC interface is enabled

Hi Folks,I experienced a weird problem when I tried to use the SDMMC interface on the STM32H755 Nucleo board.I set up a very basic test program. I use the template for the H755 Nucleo in CubeIDE. I set the H7 clock frequency to 480 MHz and the M4 clo...

Dual Bank Memory Variants

Folks,When you have a dual bank STM32, at run time, is it just one contiguous area of memory. So, for example, if you were running out of the top of bank 1 and the next instruction was in bank 2, would the program seamlessly just jump from running ou...

DiBosco by Senior II
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Resolved! How to initialize and use TIM2 for output compare?

I am using the STM32F303CB controller.System Clock - 72MHz APB1ENR - 72MHz for TimerI followed the below steps as per the reference manual.Timer2 Initialization: RCC->APB1ENR|= RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN;   TIM2->ARR = 72000-1;   TIM2->CCR1= 4000;   TIM2->...

It always work ok for RTC. But sometimes HAL_RTC_MspInit retrun me HAL_TIMEOUT, which case would cause this error? I did not change my hardware and firmware for RTC, I use the internal clock for rtc.

It will occur @here: /** @addtogroup RTC_Private_Functions * @{ *//** * @brief Enter the RTC Initialization mode. * @note  The RTC Initialization mode is write protected, use the *     __HAL_RTC_WRITEPROTECTION_DISABLE() before calling this function....

ZXiao.1 by Associate II
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