We want to use the HSE clock for above mcu. To whicjh pins do we connect the osc?We are missing the osc_out pin?
We want to use the HSE clock for above mcu. To whicjh pins do we connect the osc?We are missing the osc_out pin?
I am using STM32G030K6 controller but it's unable to detect PVD. I would like to know whether it supports PVD or not. void HAL_MspInit(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN MspInit 0 */ /* USER CODE END MspInit 0 */ PWR_PVDTypeDef sConfigPVD = {0}; ...
I enable three ADC. ADC1, ADC2, ADC3.example:I enable these DMA, DMA2_Stream1_IRQHandler, DMA2_Stream2_IRQHandler, DMA2_Stream4_IRQHandler. Each DMA IRQ handler having each HAL_DMA_IRQHandler().But ADC_IRQHandler() having three HAL_ADC_IRQHandler(). ...
Hi I am coming from esp8266 /esp32 i was using freertos lib with arduino (because of lot libraries for sensors )on ide , I have few questions Which IDE is best for stm32 and which toolkit , is ARM Embed IDE good ? or Should i use freetos...
Hi,how to generate the sine wave using pulse width modulation for 5Khz frequency using Sine wave look up table. I have already created the sine wave look up table but I am not getting how to do with the help of sine wave look up table to generate the...
Hi all, I am sticking with this problem.Cause I download the STM32 Virtual Com driver (win8x64 version) on my Win10 laptop.After all the download process, no files were imported into my targeted directory, and the installer.exe just hanging. Could I ...
Hi guys.. I am working with a huge hex file that I need to parse from hex file to an array of byte.. do you know an efficient way to do that without having an hw fault on the micro... Thanks a lot ...
I'm currently using TIM8 (adv timer) in a capture compare application with two channels. I'm also using TIM4 (general purpose) as just that, a general purpose timer. I now find I need more than 16-bits in TIM8, more like 19-bits.Can I cascade TIM8 a...
I cant seem to find any source for STM32 MCUs in any significant quantity. It seems ST stopped production and I find no evidence it will get better soon. Developing on STM32 platform seems like betting on a dead horse. Are we the only ones struggling...
Hi!I have recently written an SAE J1939 library and it works great to read CAN-bus signals. Check it out. have copy->paste the library into my STM32 and it works great to read the SAE J1939 signals f...