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Forum Posts

I2C error handling

I am developing with STM32F030Cx, using CubeMX for the configuration. The application is basically a simple full cooperative scheduler (no RTOS, no context switching) that calls several "tasks" in a sequence. I am using the blocking functions of the ...

ECost by Associate II
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Can I use STM32F103C8 in a Medical Device.

We have built a respirator prototype using a pic microcontroller, which has been tested by doctors and they are satisfied with the results, now we wanted to manufacture the product in a large scale and before that it needs to be certified for IEC 606...

RKoda.2 by Associate
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big gap between CS and SPI transmit

// CS pin go low to select HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_6, GPIO_PIN_RESET);   HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, (uint8_t *)spi_buf, 3, 10);   // CS pin go high to release HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_6, GPIO_PIN_SET);I use the above code t...

HDaji.1 by Senior
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Hi guysI'm using the nucleo STM32L432kcFor the purpose of measuring fluide conductivity i need the following actions.- Generate a PWM1 signal with a frequency between (100Hz_ 10KHz) with a fixed duty cycle of 50%- 2 DAC signals DAC1= 1,5V+ VextDAC2= ...

Cmatt.11 by Associate II
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Resolved! Hello! I'm using STM32L422 and I'm having trouble with setting up the PLL above certain frequencies. Are there any specific configuration requirements when setting up PLL at high frequencies?

I use 8MHz crystal as the input for the PLL. I'm using a timer and a LED to verify frequency, aka the LED should blink at 1Hz. Everything works fine until 48MHz, after which the STM seems to fail - led doesn't blink and the debugger does not know wh...

RoKsPy by Associate II
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