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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32H7 DMA Data Reception Issue..

Hi, I'm using USART2 in DMA mode. But i'm receving data was incorrect alignment. (i.e) Data last byte was get in my first byte of data. I don't know why its happen. I'm enabled I & D-Cache memory also and the DMA buffer was stored in in RAM_D2(0x30...

Vel by Associate III
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Resolved! Memory Map Issues of STM32F303RE

Hello, I am checking the Flash size and memory map of STM32F303REHowever, I noticed the address of Flash memory is from 0x0800 0000 to 0x0804 0000.It means only about 262K address line, but the STM32F303RE's Flash is 512K.How does it arrange the size...

yang2 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F1/F4的中断的频率最大是多少? What is the maximum interrupt frequency of STM32F1/F4?

我在高级定时器溢出中断�?�GPIO电平翻转的动作,然�?�去观察GPIO的波形,但是当定时器的溢出频率过高时,我�?�现示波器没波形了,这是�?�跟定时器中断的最大频率有关?I did the action of GPIO level flip during the advanced timer overflow interrupt and then observed the waveform of GPIO. However, when the overflow frequency of t...