I use STM32F042F6P6. I found that IWDG does not reboot the microcontroller. The program stops, but the microcontroller does not restart.At the time of IWG triggering, a short (at 0 then 1 again) is formed on the NRST pin, but the program is not resta...
Hello guys,i want to program a timer interrupt with HAL in the KEIL MDK v5 IDE. But i get a syntax error in the following line: HAL_TIM_Start_IT(&htim2); I get the following error message:error: expected parameter declaratorerror: expected ')'warnin...
Hi,I have used the Cube IDE to generate project code for a STM32WL55JC1 (Dual Core). I have activated FreeRTOS for the M4 core (cpu1). The generated code places the call to release the M0+ core (cpu2) after the kernel has been handled control (unreac...
Hello,I am using STM32F765BI MCU. As per our requirement we have to send data on both the DAC channels simultaneously using DMA. but I could not find any API for this. There are APIs available for DAC DMA single channel only as shown below,HAL_Statu...
Hello,I am trying to output the reference voltage for the DAC in a Nucleo L4R5ZI, I am doing so with the Vref Buffer. I am using STM32CubeIDE.After creating a default project I just disabled all the communication I wasn't going to need and I configur...
Hi I am working on getting and processing raw serial data on a STM32F303RT8 MCU. The interrupt is firing but I am not able to properly read data from the Serial interface.Every time the ISR fires, the value of "sr" is 216 except for the first time w...
I'm working on a STM32L072, and I tried to configure the PVD to rising an IT when the supply voltage is below 2.7V.It appears that the IT is always rise even the voltage is always above 3V. __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); __HAL_PWR_VOLTAGESCALING_...
I want to write my own custom bootloader program so I want to communicate with MCU using SWD data & clk pins but how can I use this pins?