User Activity

Hi.Is it possible to reconfigure one or some regions MPU without fully disabling MPU?I need configure for example ITCM memory for RW access when load code and set to RO mode after code copied completed.Code copied from SDRAM to ITCM, so MPU needed fo...
Hi, dear colleagues!I use OSPI interface to connect MCU with QSPI NAND flash.For some commands (for ex. PAGE READ) of used NAND device there is 0 data bytes and HAL_OSPI_Command_IT() work proper.But some commands (for ex. SET FEATURE) has one (or mor...
Hi!I use SRAM 1 (0x30000000 - 0x30003FFF) in D2 domain for USART2, USART3 DMA buffers. All work clean. If I use SRAM2 (0x30004000 - 0x30007FFF) just after running debug it's all right. But after "Reset chip and restart debug session" the first access...
Hi.It seems, that sometimes data in cached memory is corrupted.DMA transfer data from SPI to SRAM2 (0x30000000). I use ping-pong buffer in SRAM2 (two similar buffers). Data processing performing for first part of the buffer in thread, while second it...
Hi!I try to set IRQ priority to 3 and subpriority to 2.HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(EXTI9_5_IRQn, 3, 2);I suppose that correspond NVIC IPR [23] now is 0x32. But it is 0x30. I read AIRCR PRIGROUP (it is 3).uint32_t PriorityGroup = NVIC_GetPriorityGrouping();A...