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I2C slave hangs randomly after many transactions

STM32L432I'm using interrupt mode HAL driver and the i2c slave responses successfully for many transactions but then will randomly hang. Here is the code I'm using, its fairly simple.volatile uint8_t i2cbuf[2] = {0, 0};   static void MX_I2C1_Init(voi...

YPear.1 by Associate II
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How to read data from MUX using I2C Write/Read

Greetings,I am using STM32L431RC MCU, and I'm trying to read the MUX for reading temperatures using I2C 3 interface, by using the Device address of the MUX, Acknowledge from the device and my data as the parameters in the format as specified in the i...

RSai.2 by Associate
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Resolved! What is STM32F101VC actual RAM size?

Hello,By documentation STM32F101VC has 32KB RAM, we notice that our project use 44KB of RAM more than 2 years without any issues. What is real RAM size and why in documentation is only 32KB?

GIvan.2 by Associate
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Resolved! I am using STM32H7 board and integrated an SD card using SPI and able to mount it in "/". I am storing a file inside the SD card.

HAL_Delay (500); fresult = f_mount(&fs, "/", 1);  if (fresult != FR_OK)   Serial_PutString ("ERROR!!! in mounting SD CARD...\n\n");  else  {   Serial_PutString("\n\r SD CARD mounted successfully...\n\n");  fresult = f_open (&fil, "zephyr_20210506_nbi...

JJoy.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Problems with reading through SPI with DMA on STM32F407

Hi!So I configured my SPI to work with DMA and with external CS. Before my main loop I set CS high, and everytime before I initialize communication on SPI with DMA i set CS low. Then, after communication is done I go to interrupt on that event and se...

0693W00000D148wQAB.png 0693W00000D149pQAB.png
bmak by Senior
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using stm32f051 disco+ lcd2004 I2C connection, Between 30min~3 hours after booting, lcd has no indication on the screen or letters, but the indication does not change (count No) Which part is good to look at? Is there any particular problem with lcd?

#include "i2c-lcd.h"   extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1; // change your handler here accordingly     #define SLAVE_ADDRESS_LCD 0x4E // change this according to ur setup       long ErrCnt_ERR=0;   long ErrCnt_Tout=0;   long ErrCnt_Busy=0;   HAL_St...

Kse.1 by Associate
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