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i have STM32F103C8T6 suddenly the pins of the MCU is not working. Are the pins fried ? The 3.3v or 5v pins does not work when I connect a LED using 1k res. But when i try to run the Blinky app in eclipse and choose the internal LED PC13 to blink it works

Associate II

If you can connect to the chip, it's probably fine, especially as PC13 works. Verify LED polarity. What pin are you trying to use? Verify the hardware connection is there.

Always a possibility that a pin is damaged, but they don't damage themselves. Had to be an event that caused it.

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What if the LED yure trying to connect is broken or with the wrong polarity?

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Well, I have already made sure of that. I connected an external 3.3v and it works well

Associate II

The LED is working well and i already made sure of that. But with alot of testing i figured out that the problem is in the GND pins of the MCU somehow.

Associate II

I used the GND of the st link programmer and tried all of GPIO pins and it worked.

For some reason the GND of the MCU is not working.

if your internal PC13 (green if youre using a bluepill) is working and your external LED is not , there is a hardware/wiring problem.

Could you show us your setup?(pìctures)

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