weird problem nand flash hal function
Hi My code stops after i use the HAL_NAND_Read_ID function, Also the debugger stops working and i can see no errors to solve.Thanks for helping me.
Hi My code stops after i use the HAL_NAND_Read_ID function, Also the debugger stops working and i can see no errors to solve.Thanks for helping me.
New to STM32s and somewhat new to C and I need a bit of advice.I am trying to send different number of hex characters to the SPI interface.I have used HAL_SPI_Transmit (&hspi1, (0xB8, 0x03, 0x00),3, 100);however, I get errors. I cannot use variables...
I'm using the DACs of STM32F303K8. The max voltage of the DAC1 is 3.3V but the second is 3V.I don't find any explanation for it and it looks like also quite strange.PS. To my nucleo is not. Connected to any Vref. It is necessary?Anyone can help me?
Hello,I designed a custom board with an STM32H723ZGT6.It worked fine, then, long story short, this happened:I accidentally connected the VCAP pins (Vcore voltage) to 3.3V, then switched the board on. After about 2...3 seconds I realised something is ...
I want to communicate with delta HMI (slave) and STM32 as master device.Now master(HMI) send data to slave(laptop) I received inverted data. Slave id is 01 but I received 7F from hmiIt works well with non inverted data.So how can I communicate b...
I am porting the code from ATMega128 to STM32F103 for faster throughput to WIZNET W5500 using the WebServer.C for ATMega128. I am using the HAL coding as I am new to STM32. While the throughput is faster than the ATMega128 but I need more speed. Cha...
I have set up a project in a cube. SPI + DMA. When the mcu sends data from the stack, the DMA works fine and activity is visible on the pins. But if allocate an array of data in bss as static or global, then nothing happens on the pins. The program r...
Hi, xSemaphoreTake is not working properly(getting held at taskENTER_CRITICAL) after existing sleep mode. Before entering sleep mode using HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode the value of portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG is 4194304. After exiting from sleep mode using an ex...
Hello,I'm now spent about three weeks with trying to set up a custom board with the M7-Core of a STM32H745BIT6 to work with an ILI9341-controlled display via SPI.Interfacing the ILI and writing a bitmap to the display even with 50Mhz SPI Clock (with ...