Hello!i am working with the STM32H745 dual core nucleo board.i have noticed that the app that i built runs perfectly when i debug it using IAR, on the other hand, it does not when i just connect the nucleo board to power and try to communicate with i...
please let us know the availability of STM32L496RET6 controller
i use two uart.(usart1 & usart2).when i receive data(usart1), first, the program will into "void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)".but when i i receive data(usart2), second, the program will not into"void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UA...
I have a project which uses SPI DMA, and the SPI DMA appears to fail when I enable the instruction cache (ICache! not DCache), but otherwise appears to work perfectly fine. I do observe this for both a F722ZE and G491RE.I'm working on this since 3 we...
Hey,I have both a NUCLEO-L432KC and a NUCLEO-F446RE. I'm using them to interface with an ili9163c based display. When I hook up the display to the L432KC it works great and I get a single image that fills the whole display. However, I'm trying to tra...
We are seeing an issue with the STM32L4R5ZI that does not boot 100% of the time if nRST is asserted after powering up (i.e., pressing and releasing reset button). We have seen this issue with the Nucleo board and with two different boards we made our...
Hi,I am using STM32H743ZI micro controller of LQFP144 package. My doubt is that in the data sheet they are mentioning that it has 2 direct channels for ADC but they are not mentioning what are the channels or pins offering thisThey are only talking a...
hi friends, I try chain of 2 timers on STM32L053. From 2 16 bit timers I would like to create one 32bit timer.My init is here.void CLOCK__TIM21_Init(uint16_t Prescaler) { //initialize tim21 as master //enable clock to tim21 LL_APB2_GRP1...