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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32H743ZI ADC + DMA sampling data acting quite strange

Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well.Posting here again about the ADC. I finally got the ADC out of that over run situation and now ready to acquire data!The way the ADC is setup is by having 4 channels using Pins setup as continuous scanningP...

CLeo.1 by Senior II
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Timer 2 Nucleo L476RG

I am using the above Timer as both a debounce of 50ms and as a PWM for the on board LED. Basically I hit the user button, debounce for 50ms. While button held PWM to the LED of 1/2 sec on, 1/2 sec off.....Release button and PWM stops.The timer is run...

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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Resolved! Counter? Nucleo L476RG

Can someone tell me when I useuint16_t temp; temp = __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim2);the above why temp doesn't equal the TIM2 CNT register in the debugger? I've also triedtemp = htim2.Instance->CNT;

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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Resolved! STM32F40G UART, unexpected pulse on Rx Line

I am sending some data on UART, When I enable Transmitter TE bit in USART_CR1 register, a pulse is observed on Tx line ( as shown in figure). That's fine but I am observing some 190nsec pulses on Rx lines though I am not sending anything to it! I hav...

IAhma.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G030 ADC voltage residual issue

Hi Almighty Internet & STSo huge learning curve using MCU STM32G030J6 with ADCLearned the hard way you cannot use pin 4 for ADC as this is shared by NRST and there is no way to turn off MCU resetting because the bit registers which exist in STM32G031...

MHyst.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F4 problem receiving 0xF8 over UART with HAL

Hello I am trying to send hex values over UART with HAL_Transmitin the cubeIDE I do:HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2,(0xF << 4) | (0x8), 1,10);However I receive in Hterm0xC5I cannot make sense over it. Sending text with " some text" works fineHAL_UART_Trans...

ABenz.11 by Associate II
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how to make DAC hold stable output voltage

I am testing OPAMP_PGA example code.Here is the DAC config code: /** DAC channel OUT1 config */ sConfig.DAC_HighFrequency = DAC_HIGH_FREQUENCY_INTERFACE_MODE_AUTOMATIC; sConfig.DAC_DMADoubleDataMode = DISABLE; sConfig.DAC_SignedFormat = DISA...

HDaji.1 by Senior
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iOS app: will not work with STWINKT1B

I wanted to make sure the dev board I received would work before the webinar, but unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce the steps as seen on the YouTube tutorial. It seems like the iOS app is out of date according to attached screenshot.