Both STM32H730 datasheet and application note AN5050 mentions that a write operation can be performed on external Flash memories through the OctoSPI peripheral.However, the STM32H730 reference manual (RM0468), has the following info on section "25.4....
On a new product we plan to use an STM32U5 MCU to manage a Wireless (WiFi/BT) module and a micro SD card.As the Wireless module has an SDIO interface we have to use the both SDMMC interfaces of the STM32U5.Does anyone has already done this kind of st...
Hello,I have been trying out interfacing the STM32F407 Discovery Kit with different sensors but while trying to Interface a SPI uSD card adaptor containing a 16GB microSD card, the interfacing doesn't seem to work out at all.I have followed all the d...
i'm trying to take AD value with DMA when HRTIM TIMER A counter is equal to periodI tried using TIMER B and set to call interrupt when its counter is equal to period (TIMERA and TIMERB setting is equal)but when i checked with Oscilloscope it sh...
Immediately after power-on, but before my main gets to initializing the GPIOs (HAL_GPIO_InitGPIOX->MODER = 1 // Output Push PullGPIOX->BSRR = 0 // Set Pin LowGPIOX->OTYPER = 10U // OutputGPIOX ->PUPDR = 2U // Pulldown)I see the pins (ex. PJ2,PJ3, etc...
Hi : we notice both HSE or HSI could be used to supply system clock. what is the difference between these two options? and which one should we use in our product? and, for the power consumption, if we connect external crystal, then choose HSE ...
In the firmware package L0 v1.12.0In the file "Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_cortex.h"These are the region sizes defined:#define MPU_REGION_SIZE_32B ((uint8_t)0x04) #define MPU_REGION_SIZE_64B ((uint8_t)0x05) #defin...
I am updating legacy firmware running on an STM32L151QEhx to the HAL libraries. Our current firmware changes the PLL (which supplies sysclk) configuration's multiplier and divider and the voltage scaling whenever a USB is connection is detected or te...