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Forum Posts

Hardfault and BFAR address

I am using stm32f4. I have a hardfault error at sometimes, when I write new code in to the flash. So I check the Fault Registers like in below:SerialPrint("Fault: %08x %08x %08x\n",SCB->HFSR, SCB->CFSR, SCB->BFAR);Output results:SCB->HFSR = 0x400000...

DCtech by Associate II
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STM32F407 hang and watchdog doesn't reset

Hi everybody,I'm sorry for poor English.I'm using STM32F407VET6 in my board and I set up watchdog timer. However sometimes microcontroller hangs . Here is the main loop of my code:while(TRUE) { // ====================================== ...

mh2 by Associate III
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How to use NAND flash ECC

Hi everyoneIm still dealing with nand flash and im at the ecc part now :).I found a very good topic in ST but i still had questions and that topic was closed.

I2C_SDA pin value setting

Good evening, I would need, for a project with a custom board that mounts a micro STM32H7A3... to be able to set the value of a pin to 0 or 1 during the code and not via MX cube for the initial settings which function could I use? I would like to poi...

Icont.1 by Associate II
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Resources for SPI connection to external flash memory

Hi,I would like to know if there are any resources for learning and understanding how to communicate (read/write/erase) from an external flash memory using SPI.I am using an STM32F446RE and my external flash memory is a w25q128.Ideally I would like t...

DCont.1 by Associate II
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