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Hello,I am trying to create a HID device using the USB Device code generation in STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.14.1.But I have a problem with my PC not recognizing it as a HID device.MxCube.Version=6.5.0 is working fine and we have investigated the differe...
 Hello,I am developing a USB Type C chargerThe development environment is as follows HardwareNUCLEO-G071RB (tested on rev C)X-NUCLEO-DRP1M1 shield Softwarex-cube-tcppDRP1M1_DRP When this board is connected to a Windows tablet, the CAD task(USBPD_CAD_...
X-NUCLEO-DRP1M1 と NUCLE0-G071RB を持っています。USB 開発には x-cube-tcpp を使用します。ただし、構成ファイル (.ioc) を使用すると、コード生成があることに気付きました。設定ファイル(.ioc)を使用したUSBPD設定ファイル(.ioc)を使用してUSBPD用のソフトウェアを開発することはできますか?サンプルプロジェクトはありますか?
Hello,I am looking for a way to control a 5 phase motor with a microcontroller. There are 2-phase motor controls, but no control method for 5-phase motors. Is there any good way to do this?Best Regard 
I would like to use NUCLEO-G071RB and X-NUCLEO-DRP1M1 to Source,UFP my USB devicesWhen the USB device side is set as Source, the role of data is DFP.​I used the DR SWAP command to change from DFP to UFP.But there was no sample code in x-cube-tcpp_v4....
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