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Hi team, I am using stm32h7a3 MCU and I am trying get manufacture id from external SPI flash(W25Q64FV).But problem is if I used SPI mode 0 then its working properly but If I used mode 3 then it is not working, However in windbond datasheet says its s...
Hi Team,I am using stm32l475vg MCU and board is B-L475EIOT01.If I create sensor demo project with BlueNRG-1 then it is working properly but If I create same project same configuration with BlueNRG-2 then it is not working.It is stuck in here for Blu...
Hello Everyone,I am using STM32H7 series of microcontroller and in Atmel SAM E70/S70 series of microcontroller they give Real time timer feature,please refer below datasheet for Atmel Section 28 and page number 229.
Hi all,I'm using STM32H7A3 MCU and I want chip current version of chip to identifies the revision of the silicon chip. So how may I identifies for STM32, If anybody knows the way to get this, then please help me.Thank You so much all, Kaushal Panchal...
Hi all,In STM32H7A3 reference manual section 27.4.33 internal temperature sensor equation Temperature in °C = TS_CAL2_TEMP - TS_CAL1_TEMP / TS_CAL2 - TS_CAL1*( TS_DATA - TS_CAL1) + TS_CAL1in Last TS_CAL1 i have doubt because all other H7 family like ...
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