I am new to microcontroller development and trying to implement my first custom ble service.I looked at a few other examples that often use the _App_Context_t struct to store data before passing it to the character update method.Example:Custom_STM_Ap...
Hi, I'm working on a project which involves STM32L476QEI. It has external dedicated OPAMP1_VINM and OPAMP2_VINM (M3 and M4 pins). If I'm not going to use the opamp functionality, do I have to connect them to the ground or leave them floating? What I ...
Three comparators are fed with three currents of each leg. we want to stop the PWM of concerned leg whenever the current goes beyond the set value of DAC.
Hi, I am trying to setup SDMMC2 interface with an SD card. I am using the pyboard d series therefore I am using the SWDIO and SWDCLK pins. The schematic of the board is here (https://micropython.org/resources/PYBD_SFxW_schematics.pdf).According to th...
Under normal circumstances, THE PLLRdy of RCC is controlled by hardware. When PLLON is enabled by software, PLLRdy is set by hardware. When the software does not enable PLLON, PLRdy is cleared by the hardware. I now have a device with a Farad capacit...
#include "stm32f4xx.h"#define PLLM 25#define PLLN 320#define PLLP 1//divide 4int clock_80MHz_Ex_pll();int pinMode();void InitTIM2();void Delay_us();void Delay_ms(int x);int clock_80MHz_Ex_pll(){RCC->CR|=RCC_CR_HSEON;//External Crystal Oscillatorwhile...
Hello ,So for my project i need to send UART command every 15min Between this my MCU need to be sleeping And send a command if a Interrupt pin change stateBut when i wrote UART_transmit fonction in a ISR : RTC , timer , interrupt pin the comman...