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Resolved! ST-MCU-FINDER-PC v4.0 does not install on MacOS M1

The SetupSTMCUFinder-4.0.0-RC3 file can be clicked, and it seems like my OS tries to open / run it, but ultimately nothing happens. I remember having a similar issue with another piece of stm software, and remember running some command in the termina...

Resolved! Is it possible to implement a peripheral on-the-fly?

Hi everyone,I am using a STM32G474VETx chip and I have an issue with two peripherals being in conflict.I need to use the OPAMP1 input pin (PA1) for current sensing purposes. The OPAMP1 mode required is "PGA not connected" which automatically configur...

STM32H7 Flash Memory Problem

I load the program to the STM32H7B3IIT6 MCU, but when I close the circuit and open it again, the program inside does not work. I did not make any changes to the parameter settings.

STM32L5 SDMMC write/read fails because of timeout

I configured as follow the SDMMC bloc and completed the functions SD_read and SD_write using SDMMC + DMA.The problem is that HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA returns Error before even starting the transfer with the errorcode 0x00000008. I really tried everythin...

ABouk.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G474, HRTIM as external ADC trigger source

Dear all,I've been trying to generate "LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_HRTIM_TRG1" with HRTIM to trigger a dual simultaneous conversion of the ADC of my STM32G474 based project.I use LL drivers so, to my understanding the code to enable the trigger on the HRTIM ...

Raggio by Associate III
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