2024-02-28 3:09 PM - edited 2024-02-28 3:22 PM
Getting back into embedded after a long while. As the title says I am wanting to use STM32H563ZI with openocd, but it is not supported out of the box. I have gone through the readme and it looks like I need to create a specific `target/stm32h5x.cfg` file to use with this board. I just want to get working on command line right now. I am on a Mac.
I think I am missing something fundamental and/or gotten tunnel vision.
* Is there a template to create a new .cfg for this board somewhere.
* What is the usual process to get support for a new board ? Fork below repo, add new file, and submit a PR?
* I have looked at the following links but must be missing something. Thanks in advance!
2024-02-28 3:42 PM - edited 2024-02-28 3:48 PM
The ST fork of OpenOCD is bundled with CubeIDE and it supports STM32H5. Just specify OpenOCD in your debugger configuration instead of "GDB server". It will create .cfg file for OpenOCD. If this does not work please report a bug.
> What is the usual process to get support for a new board
If you mean - board based on STM32 - get the latest CubeIDE, it should support all released MCUs
2024-02-28 3:44 PM
Got it, will take a look. Thanks!
2024-02-28 7:57 PM
I am not seeing OpenOCD as an option. Also, my ultimate goal is to use Rust as a programming language. It looks like CubeIDE does not support this. What would be the best way to get this to work.
2024-03-02 1:56 PM
Select STM32 application. You've selected generic C++ app. (no idea why they left it in the menu).
Rust... Sorry, not my sort of burger. In Rust we don't trust.
2024-03-02 2:08 PM - edited 2024-03-02 2:13 PM
As Pavel writes, select stm32...appli. , like mine here:
>In Rust we don't trust. :) :)
maybe...look here:
2024-07-18 7:07 AM - edited 2024-07-18 7:07 AM
Regarding Rust support, you can use probe-rs tools.
Also if you use VS Code you can install rust-analyzer extension, and "debugger for probe-rs" extension.