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Forum Posts

Resolved! About the negative ref voltage supply to STM32H753ZI

Hi,    The datasheets says (P173) - the VREF– s available only on UFBGA176+25 andTFBGA240+25. When VREF- is not available, it is internally connected to VDDA and VSSA. Our ADC input signal goes to both positive and negative. Questions:1. What the par...

Output comparison pulse problem

On the stm32h750, I want to use 4 channels to implement pwm waves with different phases in the output comparison mode of tim8. Chanel's mode selection switches on match. The stages are 0% 25% 50% 75%. When the phase is zero (sConfigOC.Pulse = 1-1), t...

hao by Associate
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Hello,I have designed several custom boards based on STM32 MCUs, And are running fine problem is i have installed these across the country over 50 locations and now it very costly to go to each location for for required software updates or to debug i...

psain.1 by Associate III
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What is up with STM32H563 ADC INP0?

Hi,I am not able to get a correct reading from ADC1 INP0 (PA0). All the other analog channels works fine.The datasheet mentions this:ADC option register (ADC_OR), option bit 0 (OP0)For ADC1:0: INP0/INN1 GPIO switch control disabled1: INP0/INN1 GPIO s...

Dimlite by Associate III
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Touch Sensor Response Time

Hi!I'm working on a product that requires a very fast response time for capacitive touch sensing (in the order of <5ms). I'm currently looking into the TSC module in some STM32 controllers. However, I can't seem to find any information regarding the ...

JMatt09 by Associate
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Resolved! TIM2 not working on STM32F407VGT6

I am working on a project where the end goal is that TIM8 is used to capture an incoming PWM signal on PC6.  I want TIM2 to trigger from TIM8 and generate a single pulse on PB11. I have TIM8 working, capturing both rising and falling edges properly. ...

STM32H5 I3C dynamic address assignment

hi:I have two NUCLEO-H563ZI EVB boards  and tried to implement I3C controller and target feature.When ENTDAA was issued, I obtained the target 48-bit provisioned ID "0x020813810100" from waveform, I saw the description from I3C register  I3C_EPIDR ,i...

Garry by Associate II
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