Our first STM32 with Neural Processing Unit is available! The STM32N6
Dear community,It is now public and available at distributors : https://www.st.com/stm32n6
Dear community,It is now public and available at distributors : https://www.st.com/stm32n6
Hello,I am experiencing an interesting problem on the STM32F303VET:UART1 is used to receive and transmit messages (460800 Baud), DMA1 Channel 4 is used for memory to UART TX buffer transfer, DMA1 Channel 5 for UART RX buffer to memory transfer.Under ...
Hello!I have developed a firmware for the STM32H745 where I have communication between the two cores. I am using a specific ring buffer library and the semaphore method. Meaning:First core gets the semaphore, puts something into the shared memory, re...
Hello,I am trying to use infineons S26KL128SDABHI020 HYPERFLASH memory with a STM32H562VI microcontroller.For now I am just trying to do a simple write and read manually to make sure that everything is working.I use the OCTOSPI module with Hyperbus-m...
Hii....i AM WORKING ON stm32l475rg MCU. i want to use two different timers for measurement of two different PWM inputs signals. for this one i am using capture call back function but i am facing problem to measure duty cycle of both channels at a tim...
Hello,for the project I am developing I am using a STM32L433.We have connected a motor encoder signals to PA15 and PB3, that are CH1 and CH2 for timer1 TIM2 configured in encoder mode.We used CubeMX to configure the HW, and that worked perfectly for ...
Hello, I am working with the STM32H503 board and using the I3C TX FIFO in target mode for communication. However, I have encountered an issue where, when transmitting data, the FIFO is only sending 8 bytes in total. I would like to configure the TX F...
In the first page of AN4777, the RM0411 is listed as the reference document for STM32L4x6. There is no link to the document and i am unable to found it. Also in STM32L4x6 page, the reference manual is named RM0351 instead of RM0411.
uint32_t currentTime1 = HAL_GetTick(); // Her 1000 ms'de bir işlem yap if (currentTime1 - lastTime >= 500) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_14); // LED'i toggla lastTime = curren...
Hello,I have connected the nucleo f756zg board with the qorvo dwm3000. I found the inc and src files for the dwm3000 but the drivers for the dwm3000 are available for the m33 and m4 families.Is it someone who used an M7-Cortex mcu and have the driver...