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Hi there!here i'm for ask another help. I use STM32G031 for write and read eeprom 24LC01B , and i work with where Address = 0x01;HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(hi2c, DevAddress, Address , I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, &val, 1, 100);so if i wrote 7 byte everythingh work p...
Hi there!I still work on my project for read Ibutton. In the main i check every 500ms if there is any key(unfortunally i can’t use interrupt) . Now i want use a W2812B for report some error. Soo my question is how I can implement one function work in...
Hi there!i start to work with Dallas Ibutton and for my project i use STM32G031K8 nucleo. Because i need to read only one ibutton i use the UART peripheral and no ic dedicate for 1Wire. My problem is when i try to  use the rx callback function for kn...
Hi there!i start to work at one project with STM32G031J. Soo my i have this problem one of the pin is use for reset when i download the program at the same time is configurate a single wire half duplex , and - i can't simulate- and it's look like eve...
Hi there ! I start a project with STM32G031k8. This board i'm gonna make is  a RS485 slave on the pin 4-5-6-7 of GPIOA i put a dipswitch with pullup resistor , and i read in this way: uint16_t Add = ( 0x00F0 & GPIOA->IDR)>> 4 ;  right now my add is 5...