User Activity

Hi there ! I start a project with STM32G031k8. This board i'm gonna make is  a RS485 slave on the pin 4-5-6-7 of GPIOA i put a dipswitch with pullup resistor , and i read in this way: uint16_t Add = ( 0x00F0 & GPIOA->IDR)>> 4 ;  right now my add is 5...
Hi there !I start to work with touchgfx 4.21.1 and i create my first program. I use (is the first time) STM32CubeIde i compile the program and everythingh work but when i try to download to my nucleo borard i receive this error message . I searc in i...
Hi there!i start to work with a rotary encoder, i configurate a timer 3:in this way and i enable the interrupt . for read the encoder inside the timer interrupt i write nuber= (TIM3->CNT)>>2;so when i read the varible the first time i see 0 - 1- 2- 3...
Hi there!I start one project with STM32F051 i use a ADC with DMA. I configurate DMA with Timer15 Trigger Out event, everything work . So now i whant before the conversion start put one GPIO high how i can i do that ? Thanks a lot Sergio
Hi there,i start to use aSTM32G031 Nucleo with some W2812b . I configure timer1 PWM output but when i try to generate the PWM i just say a lot of noise. I use one library i wrote for another microcontroller and i'm sure work. I share my configuratio...