Hi Team,I am using the stm32h745-nucleo board. Currently I am Working with the timers. As I am working with the timers I need one timer in the cm4 and another timer in the cm7. I need to capture the falling edge of timer cm7 and need to give input fo...
Only want to pair with OOB data in SC mode (nothing else)Have already called aci_gap_set_oob_data(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) to gen OOB dataHave got said data from aci_gap_get_oob_dataParing packets show the OOB data bit is not set.aci_gap_set_authentication...
I am currently programming an eMMC(SDMMC) card with an STM32U575 microcontroller.In 4 bit mode it works perfectly, but in 8 bit mode, I have a CRC error (HAL_MMC_ERROR_DATA_CRC_FAIL) in the HAL_MMC_ReadBlocks function called by fx_media_open.NB: I ca...
Hello!I am using b-l475e-iot01a1, and I am currently working on DAC using Timer and DMA.DAC uses Ch1 of DAC1 and Timer uses TIM2.The TRGO of TIM2 is Update Event, and the Trigger of DAC is using TIM2 Trigger Out Event.Sine function values from 6...
Hello,cn anyone help me with flash writing.I am using bootloader to update the application code in STM32F407, But the code isnt working i tried to debug the code, the code is not erasing the sectors.i found HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&EraseInitStruct, &SECTOR...
I'm working on a prototype based on P-L496-CELL02, and I wanted to manage the sleep and wakeup mode on the BG96 modem integrated on the evaluation board with the x_cube_cellular drivers, I did not find examples and I did not manage to put it to sleep...
Posted on February 02, 2017 at 10:59Hello,reference manuals for the L4 series in the power section talk about a EIWUL bit in the PWR->CR3 register, enabling an 'internal wakeup line'. A search in the manuals and with google does not bring up any fur...