User Activity

I'm working on a device that uses Pulse-Width-Modulation to control a DRV2605L LRA/ERM haptic feedback motor driver (datasheet found here:
I'm working with an STM32L552ZET6Q and two DRV2605L vibration motor drivers (Adafruit breakout board version. Link to chip datasheet below).
I'm trying to configure and collect data from a BNO055 IMU over UART/RS232, using an STM32L552ZET6Q. The BNO055 is on a remote board, connected via cable to the STM32L5 microcontroller. Additionally, I am using a MAX3232CUE+T on either side of the ca...
I'm working on a device that uses two DRV2605L chips, connected to an STM32L552ZET6Q via I2C and configured for LRA PWM mode (PWM provided by STM32 to provide a constant, varying level of vibration in LRA motor), as well as two BNO055 chips configure...
I don't know if this is possible, but I'm trying to make an stm32 device using USB CDC, and am trying to make it more "identifiable" by the computer as something beyond just a "USB Serial Device" on a specific com port. At the moment, I'm controlling...