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SD_FindSCR Function!?

My problem just like​In ​the SD_init function ,I use HAL_SD_ConfigWideBusOperation to change bus wide.​but sometime it will dead in SD_FindSCR => while(!__HAL_SD_GET_FLAG(...

wu ryan by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L433 LPTIM External Clock Max Freqency?

What is the max frequency when driving the LPTIM from an external clock?I would like to drive the LPTIM1 from a STM32L433 to control a Boost switch regulator. Since we can clock LPTIM1 from 80MHz PLL internal. Is this limit safe for external as well?...

JWieb by Associate III
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DFU bootloader issues

I am trying to use the built-in bootloader in DFU mode on STM32H743IIT.1. I built my application and created a *.dfu file2. The bootloader starts fine and my device enumerates properly as "STM Device in DFU Mode"3. DfuSe Demo (v3.0.6) detects my devi...

BKlus.1 by Associate III
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TrueStudio_v9.3 for linux - seems to be broken. I have been downloading it four times on two computers with Debian and Ubuntu and after unzipping received such message:

sudo ./TrueSTUDIO[sudo] password for eureka: ./TrueSTUDIO: 1: �zb�Yy׷G�j�ZQ�n��: not found./TrueSTUDIO: 3: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted stringmd5sum ./TrueSTUDIOd278f70667a1a216f2fc7f2ee4657996 ./TrueSTUDIO

MGoclo by Associate
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Ideas to revive stm32f401re board?

I have a problem with Nucleo STM32F401RE board. For unknown reason the board stopped communicating with PC in debug modes, STM32CubeProgrammer, giving the errors such as: "Error: No STM32 target found!". The PC recognizes the board when connected, ho...

plate30 by Associate II
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