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Forum Posts

Using JTAG and SPI1_MISO on PB4

As soon as i configure PB4 as SPI1_MISO, I get disconnected from the target. Even the connection doesn't use the NJTRST pin.It used to be a bug on the stm32L4, but I could't find it mention on the errata of the stm32U585.Has anyone (ST) knowledge abo...

aritec by Associate III
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X-CUBE-WIFI1 with STM32F070

Hello,I am trying to develop an application with the X-NUCLEO-IDW04A1 Wi-Fi evaluation board on a STM32F070 microcontroller. I downloaded the expansion package X-CUBE-WIFI1 that provides implementations for STM32L0, L4, F1 and F4 but not on my target...

TRand.1 by Associate
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Weird Memory Fault Error In STM32H7.

Hello,I am working on a empedded firmware development which uses RTOS RTX5, running on STM32H753ZI microcontroller. I have set up a web server and I receive and send JSON. The library I am using to create and Parse JSON is CJSON. Everything work well...

SEfte.1 by Associate II
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How should I configure SDMMC1 for STM32H747I-DISCO?

I try a lot of clock configurations but it always response command timeout error at the following line of the generated MX_SDMMC1_SD_Init function.if (HAL_SD_Init(&hsd1) != HAL_OK) {  Error_Handler(); }How should I set the SDMMC1 configuration for ST...

Ellaine by Associate II
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UART and timer interrupt issue

Hello! I having some problems using USART and timersI'm receiving data by USART1+DMA and sending it by USB every 100[ms], if no data is received in 1[s], then timer TIM2 make an interrupt and sends a special USB message. This is done resetting timer'...

SGonz.2 by Associate II
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UART and timer interrupt issue

Hello! Can you help me?I'm receiving data in UART Rx with DMA and send it by USB, it works fine. Now i'm trying to set up a timer to check if I'm receiving data every 250[ms] and send a special message. When I don't configure the timer it works, but ...

SGonz.2 by Associate II
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STM32F030 Temperatur Sensor

i tried to use the internal temperatur sensor but its a little bit strangewhen the tempertur goes up the value from the adc goes downis that right or is my config for the adc wrong ?

RSeye.1 by Associate II
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