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I've come across an MCU with UID {0x210044, 0x474b500e, 0x20383736} where banks are swapped despite the fact that this is not configured in the option bytes. #include <stm32u5xx.h> #include <stm32u585xx.h> #define FLASH_KEY1 0x4567012...
I configured SAI1 asBlockA: I2S async slave transmitterBockB: I2S sync slave receivermanaging the data transfers with GPDMA1. The slave transmitter works fine, I get the half transfer and transfer complete interrupts correctly. But for the slave rece...
The stm32u5xx_hal_sai.c sets up the I2S clock strobing like this:static HAL_StatusTypeDef SAI_InitI2S(SAI_HandleTypeDef *hsai, uint32_t protocol, uint32_t datasize, uint32_t nbslot) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;   hsai->Init.Protocol ...
I'm using the ADC1 and ADC4 with PLL as kernel clock (MSIS 24MHz pll'ed to 32768 Hz watch crystal / 2 x (11 + 2163/8192) / 24) = 5.632 MHz). The ADC1 in combination with the MDF "looses" every second sample. The ADC4 never gets ready. The errata shee...
On the STM32U5xx, ST decided to keep this interpretation of "match". It is present on other chips as well, see
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