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I set up a very simple test project. It is a .ioc file from another project to which I wanted to add a virtual com port interface. I added the vcp in the cube plugin and generated the code. However, if I include a CDC_Receive_FS() function this gets ...
I wanted to test the wakup pin on the stm32f070f6.I have set pin PA0 to SYS_WAKUP1 and gave it the user name "WAKE". Before the user while loop I call: HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin(WAKE_Pin); HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode();To enable wakeup (I thought) and put...
Posted on May 19, 2017 at 11:26I have a board with a STM32f070f6 which won't show up as communication device class on the usb port.I tried to make it work without activating the usb and the LED blinks just fine (programing via usb/dfu file which ind...