Wrong SVD file for STM32G491 device
TIM20 peripheral is missing in the SVD file for STM32G491 deployed in Keil PACK STM32G4xx_FDP v1.4.0Please see the attached fix with all files rebuilt (SFR and SFD)
TIM20 peripheral is missing in the SVD file for STM32G491 deployed in Keil PACK STM32G4xx_FDP v1.4.0Please see the attached fix with all files rebuilt (SFR and SFD)
Hi everyone,I'm working on STM32L433 Nucleo-64 board and I would like to try the low power sleep mode to see the power consumption part.From datasheet, current consumption us XXuA. Use my example code, the current consumption(PIN is JP6) is about 5....
I am using an STM32L4 chip that sends an update to the nRF52832 on a ublox module over USART. I assume the nordic chip is in the bootloader during the update.We get a UART error: 4 and when we observe the UART lines we see that on the TX line of the...
I have to replace HAL(ADC) with self made implementation (regular channel, 1 channel, single conversion).During that, i found that delay between setting of ADON and SWSTART (Tstab) is significant for the quality of the measurement (stm32f4xx_hal_adc....
I would like to use SAI interface, but the initial setup seems to be failing. ErrorHandler was called because of FIFO is Empty after calling HAL_SAI_Transmit_DMA().The SAI is set up as follows: hsai_BlockA4.Instance = SAI4_Block_A; hsai_BlockA4.I...
I have created a pointer to function like void (*MyFun)(void); and I assigned first time 0x00000000 and the second time 0x08000000. in both cases after call MyFun(); I get HardFault error.Why? PS. This is simple project created in CubeIDE (default pr...
Hi all iam working in stm32 f051c8tx microcontroller im trying to recieve a byte and if i recieve a byte in intrupt im printing "hello world " via tx of the same uart, the issue is im not able to recieve any char the below is the code any thoughts p...
Hello everyone,we have to uart bootloader for stm32 mcu application. We update binary files with uart bootloader. But we need stm32 header for binary files. There are multiple binary files and Multiple devices that I have loaded with uart from the ...
I'm attempting to have my program run some code when a SPI transfer is complete using the RXNE flag. Setting the RXNEIE bit invokes SPI2_IRQHandler() as expected but it always results in a hard fault (CFSR register = 0x20000), without any additions t...