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Debugging STM32G0

Hello, Currently I'm working on a system using the : STM32G0B1.I'm encountering some Hardfaults, for what I've seen on G0 finding the source of the hardfaults is complicated. I've used an code of type :typedef struct{ TByte rSHCSR_name[4]; TLongW...

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Sego2 by Associate III
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Resolved! Why HAL_I2C_Mem_Read returns only 0?

Hi,I am using stm32f1 and HUT21D sensor (Temperature and humidity sensor). The sensor use i2c for communication. I am using IAR and cubeMX.For cube: I used default setting for i2c.For IAR: I shared the main.c below.Can anyone help on why only get 0.#...

ATavo.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32f072R stuck at 16mhz (RESOLVED)

HI i got a problèm on an stm32f0.after a reset the µC is at 8mhz but i'm only able to climb to 16mhz when i want to go to 48MHZ , did someone have idea of where does the problem come from.the µc are not new because i work on protoboard and i cant cha...

Laxel.1 by Associate II
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STM32G4 - HardFault on Voltage Drop

Hi!I currently am trying to investigate random hardfault errors if i connect some addon board to my current project. What is happening is: On connection, VCC drops to 1,8V minimum, while being under 2,5V for ~ 2us. The result of this is either a rese...

ToBi by Associate
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stm32f103 CAN send fail...

hi there.I'm trying to CAN transmit on my target board is not to send CAN message on stm32cubeide . but I confirmed that my board send CAN message on mbed.Can I how to send CAN message on stm32cubeide?? I intended CAN baudrate 500kbps, sampl...

Slee.13 by Associate II
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Resolved! I'm new at STM MCUs and trying to develop a new board based on STM32G070RBT6. I have few questions like reset, program over UART, etc.

1) I've checked multiple schematics for blue pill, black pill, etc., and saw capacitor and resistor on reset button line. I've built a test (pinout) board and without any capacitor or resistor. I can reset it (NRST pin to ground). May this cause a ha...

Amad by Associate II
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