User Activity

I'm making use of the STM32L433 and using SPI to communicate with a LLCC68 from Semtech.I've noticed that my SCK is active after my CS goes high.Is this normal behavior?Code Snippet for SPI Write:LLCC68_StatusTypeDef spiWrite(uint8_t* data, uint8_t s...
I am making use of STM32CubeIDE v1.10.1 running on macOS Monterey v12.4 with a STM32L433 Nucleo Board. The "Step Over" function behaves as if it is the "Step Into" function and is making it very difficult to debug my code effectively.Any assistance w...
make: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop. How can I fix this error in STM32CUBEIDE?
Hello community,I'm experiencing difficulty when debugging my software.I'm running Mac OS Catalina with a L433 Nucleo, plugged into my USB-C to USB-A converter.I wrote a very basic "echo" program to take my USART input and echo it back to my Mac.I ke...
Good day community,I'm experiencing difficulty with debugging my project. I'm using FreeRTOS with a STM32L433 Nucleo.The software is stuck in the task with the breakpoint and it won't hit the next breakpoint I have in my Timer1 interrupt.STM32CubeIDE...
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