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What is the best IDE / tool chain for an STM32 rookie?

My background is in hardware, but I have extensive experience writing "bare metal" code (C) for 8-bit MCUs, mostly for AVRs. In the past, I have used AVR Studio (now Microchip Studio), starting with version 4.18 down to present versions. Tool chain...

SHobb.1 by Associate II
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nucleo-f439zi pwm not working?

I am trying to configure PWMs on the user leds uisng the nucleo-f4329zi board (default preconfigured project) and the visual configuration of the STM32CubeIDE, but for some reason some PWM are not working.My setup for all all PWM (aside from default ...

fvi by Associate
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Resolved! Wrong Reset Values ​​in ports A and B.

STM32F407 are there incorrect Reset Values ​​in ports A and B?I erased the ...

MMust.5 by Senior II
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Resolved! LPTIM1 STM32L476RG (nucleo)??

I am trying to create a 50ms timer using the above reference. The clock is 16MHz, I have a divisor of 16 and have the NVIC enabled (all this is done in cubeMX). I have the following ISR void HAL_LPTIM_AutoReloadMatchCallback(LPTIM_HandleTypeDef *hl...

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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Is this just a notice or is it an error?

When I try to run a project in Release I get this message:No source available for "Reset_Handler() at 0x80007c4"What does this mean ?I do not see it in debug, and BTW I did set the mode to Release...

imarz.1 by Associate III
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F429 I2C bug

Hi, i'm using stm32f429 to develop i2c communication, the mcu cannot generate START signal after running a few minutes but the SDA and SCL all high, I add the CR1 register to watch and find the CR1 cannot be modified after calling the bellowing: ​br...

STOP mode and DWT

Hello everyone,stm32l series MCU going in STOP mode and dwt has been enabled before, RTC wake it up with 20 seconds. Callback is called with 20 seconds and always dw_val increments with 2 sec. What is going on the backgorund. Normally as much as I go...

Zek_De by Senior
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