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Below is my code:uint8_t line[50]="Application is Running\n";uint8_t Buf[50];uint8_t A=0,B=0;  while(! HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_13)); // wait for user button press  HAL_Delay(200);  strcpy((char*)Buf," \n\nI am in the Loop \n");  HAL_UART_Tra...
I am using Nucleo board and Tera term for serial monitorI want to do simple addition programI want to take two values from serial monitor by typing (number + Enter ) and print back its additionExpect output on Serial monitor:enter value A : 5enter v...
I observed the data on both MOSI and MISO on logic analyzer, even when I use only one of the HAL_SPI_Transmit() or HAL_SPI_Receive(), why?
I am using HAL_SPI_Transmit() API to write to slave's register, how can I confirm that it has actually find the right register and write to it? is below code right?uint8_t R44=0x2C; //register addressuint8_t R44_data[2]={0x00,0x00};// data to be writ...
I tried to write the the register of LMX2595 through SPI using following API,here R1 is of 3 Bytes , 1 Address byte + 2 Data bytes;tData[3] = {0x07,0x30,0x0f}HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, tData, 4, 100);
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