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STM32 F3 I2C SCL Push-Pull Issue

We're currently using STM32F373CC micros in several of our designs. Part of our standard design has an EEPROM connected via I2C. We have our own hardware layer that is tried and proven over the decades. However, it relies on the I2C port pins having ...

GeoffF by Associate II
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Start condition for I2C not working.

I am using an STM32F411, and am attempting to use I2C to communicate with an MPU-6050 (relevant datasheet info attached).I've tried to setup I2C in accordance with the timing requirements on the MPU-6050 datasheet: #define MPU6050_PIN_CL (6) #de...

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Starman by Associate II
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I2C - Adding a registry & value.

Hi, I want to try sending data to a slave consisting of several registries and have seen code example:-uint8_t buf[2];buf[0] = register_addr;buf[1] = data;HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(ftHandle, slaveAddr, buf, 2, timeout);Would this work in practice? As it is m...

PLee.3 by Associate III
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Bitfield registers acess

Hello I am not very familiar with the Low-level stm32F register,I have a question about the definition of each register in the  TIM_TypeDefI want to have a separate access to each bit, It is possible?I the stm32F429xx.h I have this:typedef struct{ __...

STM32F407 What is normal ADC accuracy error?

Hello. I have an external circuitry that I want to monitor voltage. It can go up to 48V hence I have used a big voltage divider. I am using 220K and 10K resistors for my voltage divider.At the moment, I am measuring 24V external voltage. After the vo...

LPetr.1 by Senior II
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[STM32F769] Lost debugger com

Since the initial configuration, the communication between Cube and the STM32F769 board has been OK.As I had a problem with the SDRAM configuration, I tried to solve the GPIO conflicts listed in the IOC.After a modification (I don't know which one) (...

JLoye.1 by Associate
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