spi in STM32H7
SPI in stm32h7 (stm32h743iitx in slave mode) don't work, receive wrong values.how I make spi to work correctly in stm32H7? its not clear at allthanks,
SPI in stm32h7 (stm32h743iitx in slave mode) don't work, receive wrong values.how I make spi to work correctly in stm32H7? its not clear at allthanks,
Hi,I wonder if you can help us? In one of our projects we are using the STM32F205ZGT6 Microcontroller and specifically we are using the CAN bus. The problem is that when we increase the ambient temperature around the MCU to approximately 38°C to 40°C...
I've struggled with this for a few days and read a dozen forum posts that end unanswered.I am trying to put my micro controller into standby mode and then wake it up with an IMU pulling the PA0/SYS_WKUP1 pin high. What I am finding, which is somewhat...
Hi all,I'm trying to use a version of the elua interpreter on a stm32f446re nucleo board.I've encountered a problem, the program is jumping on an infinite loop after entering a couple of functions of the interpreter. The system is blocking in an WWDG...
Hey all, I'm trying to trigger an ADC interrupt with timer 3 on the regular channel and timer 8 on an injected channel for both ADC 1 and 2 on the STM32H725, However, It seems like I'm only ever able to trigger the regular channel interrupt with time...
Hello, I built a small CAN network using CAN 2.0 transceivers. I wanted to add some FDCAN devices using classic mode. However, I seem to be having trouble just talking to the transceivers. For instance, I have an STM32L432 (Attached to a Nucleo). ...
Hi,I have designed a STM32H743IIT6 based board for controlling 35 optocouplers(4N35). These optocouplers should work at the same time(worst case). Each optocoupler will take nearly 10mA current. But I have seen in the datasheet as "Total output curre...
Is it possible to use a STM32 for something like the following:Take in a pulse, interrupting on a edge.Use this edge to generate multiple (5 or so) output pulses (only the positive edge timing needs tightly controlled timing). The output pulses might...