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HiI would like to store the call stack when the STM32H7 crashes. I implemented unwind.hThe code works on a bare metal  simple est code but not with   FreeRTOS is runningAny idea as to why?  The code  static uint16_t CallStackAddr;CALLSTACK_DATA uint3...
Hi I have used STMCubeIDE 1.11.0 (Cube 1.6.1) to generate the code for USB CDC interface for STM32G0B1.The code is as CubeMX would generate. I have not modified the code at all.When I plug the device into a PC I get "USB device not recognized" I have...
I have an application using STM32H743 we wish to use the LPUART using the interrupt. We have a bootloader that is located 0x08000000 until 0x08020200. According to system_stm32h7xx.c we should move the vector table in steps of 0x200 this works for al...
I have a project using both RTOS and LWIP. I updated my IDE today and the project will not compile I get the following error below that errno is declare multiple times. errno is only declared once in the project. Even if I create a project with RTOS ...
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