STM32H745 Disco - schematics?
It seems as of April 2021, the schematic was removed from the user guide.Why? Where can I find the schematic?
It seems as of April 2021, the schematic was removed from the user guide.Why? Where can I find the schematic?
I'm trying to generate 3 pulses using the One pulse Mode on the TIM1 with the LL drivers. I'm using an STM32F401RE.I only get one pulse regardless the value I set for the repetition counter. I have done lot of research on the internet but I couldn't ...
void ADC_Init(void) { /*******************Horloges**************************/ SET_BIT(RCC_C2->APB4ENR, RCC_APB4ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk); //SYSCFG clock delay(1000); SET_BIT(RCC_C2->APB4ENR, RCC_APB4ENR_RTCAPBEN_Msk); //RTCAPB clock delay(1000); ...
Hello everyone,I have been trying to program STM32F106C6T6 using CMSIS.I came accross FLASH LATENCY programming where i have to configure 2 wait states in FLASH_ACR register.As per Reference Manual, RM0008, I am seeing that value 2 will be used to co...
I need to integrate an STM32G071RBT into an existing design with a parallel bidirectional data bus. Based on section 7.3.10 of RM0444, I believe I should be able to do this by configuring my GPIO as open drain. In this configuration, if an external...
Hi all.I'm trying to run external mode simulation using:Matlab R2022a.CubeMx 6.2.0STM32 Mat\Target(not sure which version) Nucleo L476RGI have created a simple LED example to test the external mode and I used the Embedded Coder to integrate it with t...
I'm new to the STM32L053R8, and I'm trying to emulate a configuration I've used on other ARM M0+ systems. Ideally, I want to maintain a 32 bit counter (physical or virtual) clocked at 32KHz so I have ~30 uSec resolution with a ~131K second roll-over...
Hi I am using stm32l452RC for my project. When I put the MCU to sleep using HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI) all my general purpose timers are not running. I use HAL_SuspendTick() before making the MCU go into sleep ...
I'm using a "blue pill" breakout board and developing with STM32CubeIDE and HAL libraries.When I HAL_SPI_Transmit to SPI1, I get a signal on the MOSI line (PB5), but the corresponding clock signal on SCL (PB3) is a constant 0V. If I run the same code...