Import grbl-advanced with makefile and code
Newbie here! I am trying to import grbl-advanced into STM32CubeIDE. My board is Nucleo-F446RE. Is there anyone who can tell me how to do it?Thanks in advance!Judy
Newbie here! I am trying to import grbl-advanced into STM32CubeIDE. My board is Nucleo-F446RE. Is there anyone who can tell me how to do it?Thanks in advance!Judy
I am using the STM32H723ZG as my development board. Here I am trying to do the SPI communication. I have an example program of the same board I had tested and it is working fine but in that they have used the BDMA for the receiving side. but I need t...
I'm having trouble figuring out if an STM32H7 needs terminations for a HyperRAM memory. The memory I'm using has variable drive strength on the HyperRAM side, so I won't need terminations for RAM->MCU direction.However, I can't find any information i...
Hi Team,I am using the stm32h745zi-Q nucleo board. Here I am trying to do Transmit and receive using the SPI in Low level LL with the DMA . But I am unable to transmit the Data using the DMA. I am attaching my code below please check and let me know ...
Hi,I am trying to set up two timers so that they generate a PWM with the second timer being 1/4 phase past the first one. I am using an STM32F446.I have the second set up as slave and triggered by the OCREF2 of timer 1, this should then generate a re...
I have a distance laser outputting at 10KB/s (BAUD 921500). I cannot miss any of the information output by the laser so want to turn it on after the UART DMA is turned on and listening.Hence the steps areStart UART DMA Start laser However, doing thin...
Good morning everyone,Sorry for the (maybe) silly question. For a new design we would like to exploit the STM32H733ZG microcontroller. From its datasheet it seems that it supports a 16-bit SDRAM, and for our application it should be at least 16 MB la...
I have a requirement to use DS1820 temperature sensor in parasite mode, that needs 5V power supply (2 wires only) and STM32 MCU.It works with 3V3 power supply, but there is increased measurement time, and it stops working over like 80°C.I guess durin...
Hello, I am using a Power Management IC with Digital output supply specifications in my project with very low power. The average digital outputs are: 1.8V, 85uA, 150 uW.I am struggling to find a suitable low power MCU. Any suggestions?For example, I ...