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Resolved! PINC MINC in DMA

I'm using Timer 2 to capture PWM input. The configurations are made to capture the period and duty in both CCR1 and CCR2 registers.I have planned to use DMA, to store the values of CCR1 and CCR2 into memory using with a same channel of TIMER2(CHANNEL...

Shakthi by Associate II
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Change the configuration of a GPIO pin in real time

I'm working on a project using an STM32H753XI. The board is using a GT911 touch controller for the LCD. To configure the I2C address I have to control the interrupt pin during reset either high or low. This means I need to configure the MCU pin co...

RLein.1 by Associate II
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Hi, set stm32H750 tim, Error in 'deviceManage/Function-Call Subsystem/Timers': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. TIMERS_Config function : Can not find which APB timer TIM1 is connected to.Default preference value STM32TIMAPB set to APB1 is use

Hi, set  stm32H750 tim, Error in 'deviceManage/Function-Call Subsystem/Timers': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. TIMERS_Config function : Can not find which APB timer TIM1 is connected to.Default preference value STM32TIMAPB set to APB1 i...

lling.1 by Associate II
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stm32h745 Mcu can work only when boot0 is high

Hi,I am using dual core Stm32h745 mcu. I disabled the semaphore by commentig out. The mcu works after code download and reset with stlink. The mcu is able to restart with NRST pin.My problem is : When I power off the board, that is custom made (not d...

STM32 I2C reading data

Hey guys, i want to stablish communication between LM75 and STM32F030C8T6 model.The I2C bus detect device perfectly, but i have a problem in reading temperature from LM75.Like the datasheet says, if i read the 0x00 register it will return the tempera...

MNoro.2 by Associate II
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