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Transfer of the NUCLEO F446Firmware to a new F446 Chip?

Associate II

I've developed the application on the F446 NUCLEO Board. Now I want to transfer the Firmware of the F446 of the NUCLEO Board to the new installed STM32F446 chip on the PCB. How can this be done or is ther anywere a binary file, that can be uploaded to the new,fresh chip?


You can write the same .BIN or .HEX to whatever you want. You attach an ST-LINK, or other JTAG/SWD pod, or use the connectivity modes afforded by the System Loader, via STM32 Cube Programmer, et al.

Pull a copy of AN2606 and perhaps AN3155

Will it work on a different design? It depends on pins, clocks and connectivity, if those are different you'll have to port the code to this new board/platform. How complex this is will depend on much attention you paid to the design, and the amount of differences you introduced.

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Associate II

Thank you. Will read the notes.

I have found, that the firmware has to be 9.2.

The PCB is schematicwise the same. Only adapted form and size and with different headers to my application. Boardsize 59x59mm.