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Forum Posts

Can't change SYSCLK in UART HyperTerminal example

When I create the UART_HyperTerminal_IT project in STM32Cube, SYSCLK's source is assigned to PLLCLK:  RCC_OscInitStruct.OscillatorType = RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI;  RCC_OscInitStruct.HSIState = RCC_HSI_ON;  RCC_OscInitStruct.HSICalibrationValue = RCC_HS...

mattscar by Associate II
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Any new CPUs?

When distributors have zero stock, it is hard to know about new CPUs. Are there any? Fast do it all CPUs are interesting and so are Linux CPUs.PS I am 110% happy that I didn't use any of those in my paid designs.

LMI2 by Lead
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Resolved! Optical Character Recognition

Hi ST Member, Is there any specific function pack for "Optical Character Recognition"?. I have a kit STM32H747I-Disco, Planning to do some projects in character recognition. Regards,shankari.


Hello! I'm developing application using STM32H745 with uart interface. The problem is the behaviour of uart baudrate. I configure with hal driver uart on baudrate 115200 and try echo with terminal. The problem is that sometimes i recieve wrong data ...

Iivan.1 by Associate II
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problem with the SPI Receive DMA1 in the STM32H723ZG?

I am using the STM32H723ZG as my development board. Here I am trying to do the SPI communication. I have an example program of the same board I had tested and it is working fine but in that they have used the BDMA for the receiving side. but I need t...

Sm.2 by Associate II
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Does HyperRAM require terminations?

I'm having trouble figuring out if an STM32H7 needs terminations for a HyperRAM memory. The memory I'm using has variable drive strength on the HyperRAM side, so I won't need terminations for RAM->MCU direction.However, I can't find any information i...