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Forum Posts

STM32F407 - Question of how to use 3-wire SPI

Hi,My slave device has only one bidirectional data line. Now I want to configure the SPI in the half-duplex mode. And I noticed that the reference manual gave an descripiton of 1 clock and 1 bidirectional data wire.I want to ask if ST has peripheral ...

JGu.2 by Associate
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SPI stops working when enable I2C?

Hello, I'm trying to use I2C and SPI simultaneously on an STM32F103C6TX.Both are working properly when only one of them is activated. However, when activating I2C peripheral with SPI already activated, SPI clock still works but the MOSI pin stops wor...

MCris.4 by Associate II
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STM32 memory out and how avoid that

Hi there,here i'm for ask another help. I compile my program with keil and i read this data :Program Size: Code=15988 RO-data=360 RW-data=24 ZI-data=2088  How i can interpret ? I use one STM32G031F4P6 wher i have 8K of RAM and 16K of program. So i ju...

SGian.1 by Senior
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Timmer input STM32F429

Fig 9 of the STM32F429 datasheet it effectively states that the external source clock/signal has to be 1/3 of the Timer clock – makes sense as you want to ensure you capture the edge of the input signal. However, the Ref manual section 17.4.3, the re...

Reading Encoder pulses using external interrupts

I'm using STM32L451VCI6 MCU to read pulses from a rotary encoder attached to the shaft of a stepper motor using external interrupts. I'm incrementing a counter at rising edge of interrupt.According to spec of the encoder, I should be able to read 400...

NSure.1 by Associate
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