Custom board works on USB power; not on other power supply.
uint32_t currentTime1 = HAL_GetTick(); // Her 1000 ms'de bir işlem yap if (currentTime1 - lastTime >= 500) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_14); // LED'i toggla lastTime = curren...
uint32_t currentTime1 = HAL_GetTick(); // Her 1000 ms'de bir işlem yap if (currentTime1 - lastTime >= 500) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_14); // LED'i toggla lastTime = curren...
Hello,I have connected the nucleo f756zg board with the qorvo dwm3000. I found the inc and src files for the dwm3000 but the drivers for the dwm3000 are available for the m33 and m4 families.Is it someone who used an M7-Cortex mcu and have the driver...
The datasheet for STM32H723VG ( states that the devices have 2 x 12 bit, 2-channel DACs. However, in STM32CubeMX I see only one DAC listed (device = STM32H723VGT6).Is this an err...
Hello,I have a question on how to optimally configure the RAM of the STM32F101RG.The controller has 1MByte Flash, 80KByte RAM. I need to use most RAM for Heapsize and I configured within Keil IDE under target options/ASM0xCD00 for Heap size and0x1000...
Hi, Please tell me about I2C timing configration. I use Nucleo-L552ZE-Q. I set up the I2C as shown in the picture following the reference manual(RM0438, Table 326). The fi2cclk is 48MHz. But SCL cycle is very slow. How can I set the SCL cycle to...
Hi,I am trying to use a STM32G491KEU6 with FDCAN, but the communication is failing at line:if (HAL_FDCAN_AddMessageToTxFifoQ(&hfdcan1, &TxHeader, TxData) != HAL_OK) { ...I found out that this is a problem that receiver is not sending a ACK bit - cann...
Hello, I am using the stm32G0B1RE MCU board to detect the GPIO interrupts, after every 140ms, but MCU is not responding to these interrupts fully, like I need to detect the 30 interrupts in 4 seconds, but MCU is detecting only 20 to 21 interrupts, bu...
Hi everyone. When configuring SDIO, STM32CubeIDE gives me the warning "partially disabled conflict with I2C1" even though the I2C and SDIO bus are on seperate pins. I2C1_SCL and I2C1_SDA overlaps with SDIO_D4 and SDIO_D5 respectively but I'm only usi...
I am looking to use one STM32 MCU with differential ADC support but can't find a custom search method for differential ADCs. Is there a way to list STM32 MCUs with differential ADCs?Preferably M0 or M0+ cores but seems like M4 has it.
Hello,I want to execute code located in external 16bit NOR FLASH e.g. on a STM32H7x3 evaluation board.I can run the NOR FLASH demo (erase, write, read flash) successfully but have no clue how to create and flash code.After googling 2 days I found ple...