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GPIO after reset value

Hi everyone,First of all thanks for your answers and sorry for my english level.I checked the reference manual of my MCU (RM0468) and I realized that the after reset value of the most GPIO is high impedance.I need to stablish a new after reset value ...

Resolved! STM32F105: ADC Scan Conversion Mode with DMA

For a STM32F105 project I have ADC1 configured with13 regular conversion channels.The problem is I only get the first reading and the rest of the buffer stays empty.It seems the pointer to the buffer array is not correct or the DMA is not incrementin...

0693W00000QNXtTQAX.png 0693W00000QNXu2QAH.png 0693W00000QNXuCQAX.png
MEige.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Cycles or duration of float Multiplication on STM32F4

Hi all,I have a question concerning the duration of float multiplication on the STM32F4. As far as I know, the chip has an FPU.I run the following code snippetfloat LagCompensator_process(LagCompensator_instance* S, float input) {   S->x2 = input;  ...

phkloth by Associate II
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Resolved! Can't wake up after STOP Mode

In the case of normal wake-up, about 6~7 mA current is consumed and 100~250uA is consumed when going into stop mode.Sometimes, it cannot wake up from stop mode when it consumes about 1.6 to 1.7 mAHere is my code:HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT(&hrtc, g_s...

Phyo .1 by Associate II
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STM32G4 not functional after setting RDP Level 1

I’ve been struggling with setting up RDP Level 1 on my STM32G473CBT6.This project does not use the system bootloader. The BOOT0 pin is held low and it boots from FLASH using our own bootloader.I have code in place to accept a command to program RDP L...

B.Lunce by Associate II
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i recently purchase STLINK V3 MODS i connect using SWD connection as STLINK V2 .i am using stm32cubeprogrammer for programming when i press connect it gives errorst link error DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERROR .what is the problem and how can i solve it?