USART receive break and reset mcu
Hello,I use STM32G0 and USART2 in IT mode or DMA mode.When the mcu receive a break command on uart line, he reset after entering on the IRQ handler.Have you an idea ?Regards
Hello,I use STM32G0 and USART2 in IT mode or DMA mode.When the mcu receive a break command on uart line, he reset after entering on the IRQ handler.Have you an idea ?Regards
Hello all,I have been working on an STM32F0, with an external ADC. I used PA5 as an SCK with SPI1_SCK, PA6 as an SDO with SPI1_MISO, and PA8 as a CNV with TIM1_CH1. With one external ADC, it all worked as intended. I used an oscilloscope to confirm t...
Hello,I have STM32L152RET6 IC attached on my board(Pos_Est_Rev_0), and I'm using NUCLEO-L152RE board to debug/run the firmware.I'm trying UART communication by USART channel, but the following symptoms are found :1) When the debugger arrives to the l...
I would like to use the integrated Bootloader of the STM32H743 for updating the firmware over I2C. I don't have access to BOOT or RESET pins at the I2C master side, so my desired procedure would be:Send a command over I2C to my firmware. Once my firm...
Same question for pin PF14: can it be used as a single-ended ADC channel using ADC2_INP6 ?The Cube does not indicate if these pins can be used as single-ended ADC channels.Thank you.
Hello,I need to fill the stack with watermarks, but I do not have access to the assembly startup script. Usually I would do it right at the start of the reset handler, is there another way of doing this?
Hello!I'm working with UART+DMA+IdleDetection. I receiving long frames of data(250-300 bytes) 250 times per second at 921600bps without HT & TC interrupt from several sensors and one Arduino, then I send them by USB . Sometimes, I receive overwritte...
I'm using the ADC to measure power grid voltage and current at 10 kHz. For most of the time the results are coherent. however, sometimes I detected some strange values colected by the ADC, differing from the measures made with an osciloscope in the a...
Hi allI have a question regarding the clock output from STM32F446VCT6 MCU.Can anyone tell me whether the clock signal looks good for you?Because for me it looks awful. The signals are measured directly on MCU pin (trace is 2 cm and is not connected t...
Hello,I am struggling to use multiple USARTs. I tested that USART2 works fine but I cannot get USART1 and USART3 to work. If I can't use multiple USARTs at the same time, I would like to use only USART3. However, USART3 does not work. Do I need to ch...